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Currently used to track games.
Players rating will become more accurate with future data.
Participate in Rated Match with Elevate Official for Rating creation - default 1000.
Rating calculations may adapt if algorithm changes. Scoreboard updated asap.
[2/18]: 3:30pm W vs Blaize
[2/18]: 2:30pm L vs Yohfed, 2:35pm W vs Yohfed, 2:40pm W vs Yohfed, 3:30pm L vs Angelo
[2/18]: 2:30pm W vs Blaize, 2:35pm L vs Blaize, 2:40pm L vs Blaize
[2/18]: 4:08pm W vs Raymond, 4:24pm W vs Raymond 4:37pm W vs Raymond
[2/18]: 2:13pm W vs Yohfed, 2:23pm W vs Yohfed, 3:53pm W vs Rocky
[2/18] : 3:53pm L vs Blaize
[2/18]: 3:07pm D vs Christian, 3:16pm W vs Christian, 3:30pm L vs Christian, 3:46pm W vs Christian, 4:08pm L vs Angelo, 4:24pm L vs Angelo 4:37pm L vs Angelo
[2/18]: 2:13pm L vs Blaize, 2:23pm L vs Blaize
[2/18]: 3:07pm D vs Christian, 3:16pm W vs Christian, 3:30pm L vs Christian, 3:46pm W vs Christian
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More Time Categories To Be Added/Revised Upon Future Tournaments. Email if you'd like information removed.